Monday, September 30, 2013

Another Good Difficult Week!

Hi Mom!

Happy Birthday!!!!!! I didn't realize that I was going to miss the big 40 while I was gone. I just want to say Thank You so much for all you have done for me in my life. You have helped me become the missionary I am today, and I love you for it. I am so thankful for your love and support to me. I think about y'all every day of my mission, and you and Dad keep me motivated to work hard and keep pushing forword even during hard times. I love you!!!!!

Another good difficult week. Good, because I am still loving it, but difficult, because of our investigators. We have been finding investigators with out any problems, but the hard part is helping them progress. At times, we can't even get back into their house after teaching them because they are always busy and what not. It has been hard for me, because I want to help them so bad, and we just get rejected all the time. I am still loving it though. Preach My Gospel says that a successful missionary is someone who is obedient, dedicated, follows the spirit, testifies, etc. but it says nothing about baptizing and all that. So I may be disappointed that people won't hear our message, but I am not dissappointed in myself. I know that I will be blessed if I keep improving myself everyday.

We are definitely still working hard. We found more investigators this week than last week, and taught a single lesson to 13 people. Whoa! I am excited to see what we can accomplish this week.

I still love hearing about life at home. This week seemed very eventful, and it is amazing how you leave the family for only 3 months, and it begins to grow and grow. At this rate, it will be twice the size when I get home.

Thanks again for all your love and support! I really am beginning to love my mission!

Elder Kyle Stewart
Hi Dad!
Another good week. We are still having no problem finding investigators, now the problem is just getting them to progress. We have some ideas that we are definitely going to try some this week.
Sounds like the day of service in the ward went really well! Y'all did a lot of stuff, and I wish I could have seen it. It is funny how when I was home, service was always boring, but after doing service everyday for the past 3 months, I would love to have participated in the day of service. Must have been great!
1. I am still doing great. I am having a hard time trying to know what to do with our investigators, but that is probably just because of our inexperience. We are still working hard, and we will grow so much from this!
2. How are investigators are doing:
Martinez family: Taught them one time. There is four people living here, none of which are married. The Mom has a son that lives with her and his girlfriend, and then the Mom is living with a boyfriend. We haven't seen them since, but they have baptismal commitments.
Linares Family: Some of the nicest people I have met. There is a couple with two kids. They are not married. This is probably one of our most solid families. Haven't been able to teach them this week because they were sick.
Alcaraz Family: Married couple with two kids. We have met with them a couple times, and we just need to give them a desire to keep commitments.
Maria/ Regino: Not married, but are living together. Having problems with eachother, and the Word of Wisdom. Regino is our only progressing investigator.
These are our main investigators, or at least the ones we have met with most.
3. None of our investigators are really progressing except for Regino, and that is a weird situation with him and his girlfriend.
4. You can pray for the Linares family and Martinez and Maria/Regino
5. My companion and I are still getting along. We are beginning to work really well with each other.
6. We will be watching conference at the church building here in Waxahachie.
Thanks for all your love and support, and if you have any ideas on how to make investigators progress let me know.
We also had an interesting experience this Wednesday. My companion and I started our day off at 1:00. We went to an appointment that we had, and when we got there, he canceled on us. So, we began to tract, and we tracted all day long. Every appointment that we had scheduled for that day had fallen through, and we weren't having any luck. By 8:00 we were exhausted from standing all day, and were ready to be done. We knew however that we couldn't quit, so we decided to say a prayer. We prayed for one lesson that we could teach that night, and then decided to go somewhere else. When we got there we knocked on 4 doors, and had no luck. Again came the thought that we should just go home and call it a day, but we decided we weren't going to leave until the very last minute. Finally after trying about 3 more houses, we were able to teach a lesson which went pretty well. It was a great testimony builder to me that if you work with all your might, and pray with faith, then your prayers will be answered. I know that God is always waiting to bless us in our lives. All we have to do is ask.
Thank you again for all your support! I love you and hope everything goes ok.

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