Monday, November 24, 2014

Things are going really good here in Rowlett!

Hi Mom,

Things are going really good here in Rowlett. Andrew is preparing for his baptism on the 6th of December, and the Moreno family is now planning on getting married in the middle of December. We have also found some good investigators with potential. We will have to see how it goes.

Training is going well. It is still hard, but it is definitely so much easier now that I have experience with it. The hardest part is know how to involve them as much as possible in lessons even though he doesn't speak good Spanish, and at the same time still having a good lesson with our investigators. So, we are working on that, and my companion is progressing a lot. As District Leader, I give a training twice a month on whatever I feel like the district needs. Then, I also inspire and lift the missionaries to be better. That is about it. I am enjoying it.

For Thanksgiving, we will be starting by having a turkey bowl in the morning at a park for the ward, then we will also have dinner with the Arevalo Family and a lot of other members of the ward. We might also have another dinner at a part member family's house that night, so I am excited for this Thanksgiving. It will be fun.

I don't really need a Cd player, or anything like that, because it will mostly just be for the car. The mission doesn't really have their own rules for music. The handbook says no music with romantic lyrics, and no strong beats. So, a little bit of A Capella music, or christian rock that doesn't have a strong beat. I don't know, but something like that. I could probably also use two new long sleeve shirts for Christmas, so I will send you the sizes next time.

I am so excited to hear Chase on the drums! That will be so much fun to hear him play. I also hope y'all have fun at the concert this Saturday! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Love, Kyle

Hi Dad,

Things have been going really well. Our investigator Andrew is going to get baptized on the 6th of December, so I am sooooo excited for him. He has gone from having no belief in God to now hoping and wanting and believing that there is one. He is by far the best investigator I have taught. He progressed very well! Maricruz on the other hand, has to post-pone her wedding again to the middle of December, because that is when her parents are going to come here. I hope they come soon!

I am very happy! I love missionary work, and I am blessed to be able to train again. I hope that I can continue to become more Christ-like. The Spanish sister missionary that came out the same time I did is now going home at the end of the transfer. That is crazy to think that I only have a little bit of my mission left. It has been hard. And I can't say that I have loved every moment, but looking back at what I have become because of all the hard times, is so great! It is such a blessing to know that I am a worthy missionary of Jesus Christ at this time. I don't want it to end.

I will definitely accept your invitation to become more Christ-like. The callings that you and I have give us such a great opportunity to learn about this attribute. I also want to have this attribute so much! My president has been teaching us about the last verse a lot.

48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.

I love that it says that when he shall appear, we shall be like him. As we develop this attribute, we can be as he is. I hope and pray that we can like him when he appears, and that we may be purified even as he is pure, so that we will be pleased with our works on this earth. I will also let you know how this goes.

Thank you for writing me. I love you and I am so grateful for your example of the Disciple I want to become. I hope everything is going good back home with all the members. And with the family. Have a great week!

Love, Kyle

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