Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween Week!

Hi Mom,

This week was a lot of fun, but as far as missionary work goes, it was really slow. On Halloween, we had a small party with our zone where we all shared the best miracles we had seen on our mission, and then we carved pumpkins/ played phase 10. It was a very relaxing day for us, and the only night that we ever get off as missionaries, so that was nice.

This week, we also went to Spring Creek twice. Spring Creek is this great barbecue place that has great food! I loved it!

As far as our investigators, the ones that I have been telling y'all about all came to church on Sunday. It was great to see all of them there! Moreno family came, Andrew came, and Marta came! Andrew is still doing so good. We have taught him several lessons recently and he has told us that he is now starting to notice that he feels happier all the time. He said that he has gotten emotional several times while praying, and that he now feels comfortable whenever he is in Church. His answer is coming slowly, and he has so much faith. He also told us that he used to be contempt with his life knowing that there was no God, but he is hoping and wanting there to be a God. The idea that there is a God doesn't seem weird to him anymore, but he said that he still can't quite say that he believes there is a God. He is progressing so well, and yesterday he fasted and payed fast offerings for the first time. He told us that he believes that he will receive his answer after fasting, so we are excited to see what he thinks the next time we talk to him. I love Andrew, and I love being able to help him progress towards baptism!

The Moreno family are planning on getting married in the next week or two. I am excited for them, and the baptism should follow shortly.

The remodeling that we were doing was replacing a tile floor. When we got there, the tile was already taken off, and we were there to help them take the cement off from under the tile. It was so hard, because we were using hammer and chisel. We spent a total of probably 5 hours working on it, and I don't think we really did a whole lot. It definitely made us soar for a few days though. I don't know if they are done yet, so we will see.

The weather here is starting to cool down a little. We have highs in the 60s and 70s which is my favorite weather, so I am loving it! I am still doing good on everything. My address by the way is actually 1255 instead of 1233. There is some confusion on that. I love y'all and I hope you have a great November. (Can you believe it is November already?) Time is flying by.

Love, Elder Stewart

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