Monday, September 29, 2014

Mission Conference

Hi Mom! Happy Birthday!!!!!! (I sent you a letter for your birthday, so be on the look out)

We had another really good week this week. We continue teaching more and more lessons, and we have been finding some great potential investigators. This area makes missionary work so much fun! I love it! Thank you very much for the package by the way. It is great to look white again instead of dirty. And thank you for the conference stuff. I am looking forward to it. The only thing that I still need is an oil flask. Mine broke. If you could send it in the next package, that would be great!

This week started off really well. We taught some really good people, and we are working a lot with the less-actives here in the ward. A lot of them are starting to come back to church which is great!

On Thursday, we had a specialized training with President Taylor. It was the best mission conference I have ever been to! I loved it. We learned the importance of revelation through prayer, Book of Mormon, and Church, and the way that we can help our investigators receive that revelation. It was something that really helped us out with teaching our investigators how to know the truth. By the end of the meeting, the spirit was so strong! It was one of the most spiritual moments of my life. I love my Mission President, and I am grateful to be able to learn from him!

On Friday, we taught a great lesson to our investigator Marta. She has been struggling to know if the Church is true or not, and we believe that she probably has a lot of fear of being baptized in our church. We aren't sure, because she is a quiet person. However, the spirit in the lesson we taught was so strong, and she told us she believes the church is true! I was so happy for her. All she needs now is to get rid of the fear that she has in being baptized. She is doing great!

On Sunday, we had a farewell meeting for a missionary in the ward that is leaving. Instead of having him speak in church, he had his own meeting Sunday night. It was a good meeting, and the sister missionaries and us were asked to sing. I love singing so much, and every time that I am asked to sing, I begin to miss choir a lot. It was a lot of fun.

I am still doing really well, and I am loving the work here in Rowlett. We are teaching some great people, and I am loving it! I love missionary work!

Thank you for all you are doing for me! I am happy to hear that everything is going well back home. I am very happy to hear that Haley scored a 24 on her ACT. Now she just needs two more points. I hope she makes it to BYU! I miss y'all! Have a great week, and enjoy General Conference!

Love, Elder Stewart

Hi Dad,

The work here in Rowlett is still so much fun! I love being able to see this ward grow, and people progress. I love missionary work!

1. Did you get transfered?
No, my companion and I will have one more together.

2. How are the investigators progressing?
Really well. We had another great lesson with an investigator we have named Marta which I will tell you about later, and we are continuing to find some good people.

3. How is the English class going?
Alright. It isn't as successful as I hoped it would be, because all the Hispanics live in Garland, and the classes are taught in Rowlett, but we still teach around 5 people each week.

4. Are you having fun?
Yes! The work is great, the ward is great, and we finally found a table to use for ping-pong, which we use everyday.

5. Any funny experiences lately?
Not really.

6. Do you like Rowlett?
I do like Rowlett a lot. It is probably going to end up being one of my favorite areas.

7. How was the mission conference?
It was really good. The spirit was so strong, stronger than it has ever been in a mission conference. It is interesting to see the difference between President Durrant and Taylor. President Taylor is one of the most Spiritual men I have ever met, and the conference really showed that.

8. Do spanish missionaries serve in Dallas itself?
Yes, but I don't know if anyone covers the downtown area.

9. Is it nice to be back in a car?
Yes! I feel a little more tired being in a car, but it is better than bike.
10. What are the people like in Rowlett?
We don't get to talk to very many people in Rowlett, because they are all white, so we do most of our work in Garland around where we live. In Garland there are some great humble Hispanics, and some prideful people as well, but it is a great area for missionary work!
The Moreno family is still doing really well. They are still preparing for their marriage and everything.

This week we had a great lesson with our investigator Marta. Her husband was baptized into the Church about six months ago or so, and she has been investigating on and off since then. Recently we have been pulling her towards investigating the church more. She has now come to church two weeks in a row, and she is doing great! In our lesson, Marta told us about some dreams that she has had recently, and then she told us that because of the dreams that she has had, she now believes that the church is true. The spirit again was very strong in that lesson, and we invited her to pray about when she needs to be baptized. Next time we go by, she should let us know.

I am doing great, and thank you very much for all of the updates that you have given me on BYU football. All they need is the Number 4 ranking, and then they have a chance for the national championship. I am excited to hear how they do. Hopefully they can go undefeated. I love you Dad, and thank you for all you have always done for me.

Have a great week!
Love, Kyle

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