Monday, September 8, 2014

Loving Rowlett!

Hi Mom,
The work is still getting better and better! I am no sure if I told you about Teresa the investigator that we found the week before, but we were able to meet with here again this passed week, and she is still very open to the message that we have. She read through all the introductory stuff in the Book of Mormon, and she told us that she wants to come to church, so we are very excited about her. She still thinks that we are a gift from God, since we came at a time when she really needed help in her life.

My companion and I are still doing very well. He knows how to use computers. He also went to a lot of BYU games before the mission, but he is not quite as big a fan as I am when it comes to sports. He loves movies. He is a very good Elder though with great desires to serve God.

I am so happy that the Expedition is going to live! I hope to be able to ride in it again some day. Sounds like life is getting pretty crazy for y'all. Chase is quite the athlete musician. Is he still driving y'all crazy with the drums? I am still very excited to go back and listen to the family band. It should be great!

I had a great spiritual experience this week. We got a call from the Spanish Sisters saying that one of their investigators needed a blessing. We were happy to help, and we went over to their house to give the blessing. I was asked to give it, and it was amazing to see the power of the priesthood in action through me. The spirit directed me on what to say, which hasn't really happened very much in the passed, and the spirit was so strong in the room. I gave the blessing in Spanish, and when you are praying or giving a blessing in Spanish, you speak differently than you normally would if you are talking to someone. I haven't mastered this form of talking yet, but I was able to give the blessing with only one or two mistakes. It was incredible for me. The spirit was so strong that the man we were giving the blessing to started to cry, and he is going to start being taught by the missionaries in another area. He is a very good potential investigator for the missionaries who get to teach him. I was so grateful that I could be an instrument in the Lord's hands in helping them out. I love serving the Lord, and I know that his Priesthood is real. I know that it is the power of God to act in the name of Christ and to do the things that Christ would do if he was here.

The English classes that we started teaching went very well this passed week. We had 7 people who aren't members who were able to come and learn English. I hope that we are able to have success with the English classes!

I am still enjoying this area. The members here feed us almost everyday. And when they don't feed us, we can usually find less-actives who will give us food. I am happy to be serving with them, and I hope that we can start to help them do their own missionary work. The car is also great. I am so much more tired now though.

I love y'all very much! I know this church is true, and I hope that y'all continue to progress and grow in the gospel. I will keep my eye out for the package that will be coming.

Thank you for all you do Mom I love you!

Love, Kyle Stewart (All the Hispanics pronounce our last name Eh-Stewart.)

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