Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Staying in Grand Prairie!

Hi Mom,

We had an Ok week this week as far as the work goes, but it was a lot of fun! First of all, I am staying here in Grand Prairie, with my companion Elder McBride. This was great news, because the baptism that we have planned for Sara is next Sunday. She has been battling really well. Sara is living with her daughter and son-in-law, and they will both be out of town this upcoming week leaving Sara alone. So, we are going to try to make as much contact as possible with her before her baptism on Sunday. Lucky for her, she doesn't work, so she doesn't really have any money to be spending, as well as she can't drive, so the temptation for her to smoke, isn't as big as it would be for other people. She is doing really well!

For the Fourth of July we didn't really do anything special. We had a zone conference that morning so that we could meet the new Mission President. He is going to be a great mission president! I love him already. He is a very nice man, and he has such a strong spirit. The rest of the day, we knocked doors, and taught a lesson. Not really anything different.

The next day was a great day! I had the opportunity to go back to Waxahachie my first area to see the baptism of Angelica. She was the grand daughter of the less-active that we were working with, Mary. It was a great service, and I was able to talk to all the members that I hadn't seen in almost a year. The best part of that was I could actually speak in Spanish to the members. After the baptism we had a ward party at a park, which was also so much fun! We were able to talk to some non-members, and we had a great turn out. It was a lot of fun!

Yesterday was one of the best Sundays of my mission. We had some great lessons in church, and I was able to feel the spirit so strongly. All the missionaries here in Grand Prairie sang a musical number as well. It went really well, and I even had a solo. I was very nervous, especially since it was fast Sunday, and we had biked to church. I thought that I was going to pass out, but it went well. After the church services, we had another baptism, and a farewell party for one of the sister missionaries here who is going to leave. The spirit was so strong today. I know that I am a part of the only true church on the earth, and I am so grateful that I am able to represent Jesus Christ in the work of salvation.

I am doing great! My wrist is still a little sore, I must have tweaked it pretty good. It really isn't that bad though. I am happy to hear that the family is doing so well. I am really excited for Nate! He should have a great mission! I am glad that he decided to serve!

All the weight that I gained on my mission is now gone. I believe that I am back to where I was when I started the mission, or I may have lost weight by now. All of this Texas heat is keeping me skinny. I really don't have anything to complain about though. It is really hot, and it takes some getting used too, but I feel as if I have adjusted to it. We have only hit the 100s one time.

I love you so much! Thank you for all your love and support. I know this church is true!

Love, Elder Kyle Stewart

Hi Dad,
Questions of the week:
1.  How is your new mission president - Do you think that he will be a good one.\
He is great! I am going to love him! President Durrant was a great example and leader as well, but I have a feeling that I am going to love President Taylor a little more.

2.  How is your companion doing?  are you working him hard?
Of course I am! We are working very hard, but we need to work a little harder I think.

 3.  Are you teaching him the things that you wished your trainer had taught you?
Yes, I am trying. I have been pretty bad the past couple of weeks on being patient with him, so that is my main focus for this week.

 4.  Are you still getting along ok?
We are. I really want for us to get along better this transfer though. I will be more patient with him, and hopefully we can improve his Spanish.

 5.  Do you feel like you have had a good mission so far?
I do. It has been the hardest thing I have ever done, and I feel as though I have had more trials over the year that I have been a missionary than I have in my whole life, but because of all those trials, I have become the disciple of Christ that I am today. There have also been some great experiences though. I love being a missionary!

 6.  How is the work going?
It slowed down a little recently. There is always plenty of people to talk to, now we just need to find a way for them to actually be at their house when our appointments are set.

 7.  Are you able to keep Sara progressing.
Yes! Sara has been so strong, and fighting so hard. She hasn't smoked since she said she was going to stop, so now we just have to make sure that she keeps on going, and endures to the end. We are going to have the baptism this Sunday!

 8.  How are the members of the ward you are serving in.  are they helping?
They are doing OK. We can always get them out to the lessons we are teaching, but what we really need, is for them to invite. We talked a lot about that at our training with the new mission president. President Durrant liked to do missionary work the old school way, I think. I feel that President Taylor is going to go away from that a little bit.

 9.  How do you spend your days? Do you do a lot of knocking on doors?
We do knock a lot of doors. We spend an hour to four hours everyday knocking. We are trying to go and visit the members now, but the only problem is that we have three sets of missionaries all in the same ward, so there aren't a lot of members to go and see.

 10.  What experiences have you had this week that have brought you closer to the savior?
I had one of the best Sundays of my mission yesterday. To start off, I saw how much the Lord can help us physically. It was fast Sunday, and I woke up feeling light headed, and very hungry. We were going to sing in church yesterday, and I had a solo, so I prayed that I would be able to go throughout the day with out having to break my fast, and still be able to sing. We went to the church early on our bikes to practice, and by the time we got to the church, I was already out of breath and light headed again. We practiced for awhile, and I kept praying for help. My biggest fear was that I was going to pass out during my solo, but I was mostly just joking. When we went up to sing, I felt great, and our song went really well. Then on top of all that, I felt the spirit so strong during church. It is always nice to have those three hours a week to refresh my testimony that the gospel is true.

Thank you for all the BYU updates! Even though I am not going to be able to watch any of the games, I still get excited. I really hope they beat Texas while I am here. Does Texas play in Arlington? I can't remember. I love you Dad so much! Thank you for always teaching me what is right, and helping me know that this is the true church, and the key to happiness. I am praying for you!

Love, Kyle

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