Monday, April 28, 2014

Grand Prairie

Hi Mom,

We had a good week here in Grand Prairie. And we had a baptism! It was a great baptism, probably one of the best I have ever been to. I will send you the pictures next week. Her name is Lucero, and she has only been in the United States for a few weeks, and she is already baptized. After she was baptized I could see the difference in her face, and the spirit was so strong. She couldn't stop crying. She then gave a great testimony. The gospel really does change lives.

Igor also got baptized!

I loved seeing this picture of him.(picture didn't load) He is going to make such a great member. I loved the opportunity that I have had to teach him, get to know him, and help him be baptized. I was sad that I couldn't be there, but it is all good. I will still be able to email him on this mission. The mission is so great!

I love Grand Prairie! The area that we are in is run down for sure, but it is home. Our apartment is even more run down. We find cockroaches on the ground at times, and there isn't any carpet, but like I said, it is home. I love being in a Spanish Branch again! My Spanish is improving greatly, and the people are great!

We have some investigators that are getting a little close. One named Carlos whose obstacle is working Sundays. We are also teaching the familia Delarosa, and they are interested, but not progressing to great. I will let you know how it goes. Our mission this week is going to do a concert with Gladys Knight and her SUV choir. I am so excited to go, and we are going to bring the Delarosa family with us. It should be great. We then plan on going to the temple afterwords.

Thank you so much for the package! I loved it. And my companion wants to Thank you as well for Subway and Wendy's.

I love you!

Hi Dad,

I am doing great! We had a really good week and I am getting used to the area, and riding a bike all day. We also had a baptism this Saturday, and I will send the pictures to you next week. It was for Lucero, and it was honestly on of the best baptisms I have ever been to. It was short sweet, and the spirit was so strong. I could definitely tell that there was a difference in her after the baptism. Experiences like this make the mission so worth it. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to help others come unto Christ and be baptized.

Questions for the week:
1. How are doing this week?
I am doing great. I love the mission so much!
2. How is the new area?
It is good. There are a lot of people to teach, and we are having a good time.
3. Did you get the package?
 Yes, I did get the package. Thank you very much!
4. How is your companion?
He is great! I am glad to have him as my companion.
5. Did Igor get Baptized?
Yes! He did, I will be sending you the pictures for his baptism. He looks great, and I as so grateful that I could help him in his life. I love Igor, and I hope I can keep in touch.
6. Is it different speaking Spanish all the time?
Not very different. In Sherman we tried to find Spanish investigators, so I was still speaking Spanish a lot, but my Spanish is improving for sure here a lot more than in any of my other areas.
7. How are the investigators in this area?
They are doing good. We have some investigators that are really close to accepting a date, the only problem is that they have some problems that they need to work out.
8. How many miles a day do you ride your bike?
About 10-20 miles a day. I am in great shape!
9. Do you find time to have fun - are you having fun each day?
Yes, I personally think that missionary work itself is fun in some ways. Because I am in the city now, I also have the chance to play basketball on Preperation days. I am having fun for sure!
10. Did your investigator in your new area get baptized?

Yes. She was baptized yesterday, and just like my first baptism, the water was very hot. We were smarter though this time, and we blasted the cold water for a few senconds so that it would be bareable.

I am loving Grand Prairie and the mission. We are working hard and having fun. I love teaching people and helping them keep commitments. And the bike really isn't too bad. There are lots of opportunities for us to contact, and the day goes by so much faster. On top of that I am getting a good work out everyday. I am excited to continue to work here in Grand Prairie.

Thank you for your love and support. I am grateful for all you have done to motivate me to serve a mission. I love you!

Elder Stewart

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