Monday, March 17, 2014

A Great and Trying Week!

Hi Mom,
We had a great and trying week this week. I have really come to understand that a mission has nothing to do with what I want. I don't lead the missionary work, but God does, and all we can do is what he asks us too. That being said, Aaron C never responded when we asked him again if we could come by when he was a little less busy, so we have decided to drop him. It was hard, and still is hard, but there is nothing we can do. I am going to write him a letter this week to let him know that we were grateful for the opportunity to meet him, and I will bear my testimony. I really didn't know why things happened the way they did, and I have been praying the whole week for the lesson that I was supposed to learn, and I have come to two conclusions: 1. Miracles don't create faith, faith creates miracles. The whole reason why Aaron started investigating the church was because of my last name, and that to me was a great miracle! It didn't however become a testimony to him. To gain the testimony or to have the miracle occur of changing his life should come from action and putting your faith to the test. 2. The second thing I learned is that Heavenly Father knows Aaron perfectly. I do not. I tried to look back on the situation saying, "What if we taught the Word of Wisdom instead of the class?" The thing is, that is the way that Heavenly Father knew it would happen, and I can't worry about it. I need to continue working hard to help other people come unto Christ. We at least left a good impression with Aaron about the church, and if he has another chance than maybe he will accept it later down the road. All I can do is not hang my head and continue to work hard.
Igor is doing great! He is not able to come to our ward because he works Sundays in the afternoon, so he attends the other ward. Yesterday he was telling everyone that he really wanted to be baptized. The members kept telling the sister missionaries in their ward, Wow he is such a great investigator! They unfortunately had to tell everyone that he wasn't theirs. Igor is ready once he starts living the commandments. We just need to find him a new job.
We haven't been able to meet with Aaron G this week. He hasn't been in contact with us, and we are a little worried. He told one of the youth that he was having second thoughts on if he wanted to be baptized or not. I really hope that he will at least let us teach one more time. He was so ready, and Satan must be working on him really hard. It is crazy to me how good investigators can go from really excited when you teach them to not even answering their phone. It is frustrating.
The hardest part of my mission by far has been that of investigators losing interest in the church. You come to love these investigators so much, and you are thinking of them all the time wondering what else they need, and how we can help them progress. I have definitely seen on my mission how it is preparing me for the rest of my life. It seems as though trial after trial comes, and honestly the trials have gotten easier as the mission goes on, because of my relationship with Jesus Christ. I promise and testify as his servant that he will never leave us alone. He will continue to ease our burdens, and carry our load when things get hard. I have never felt this as much as I am now, because I am his missionary and my calling is to share that with the world. I know that Jesus Christ has felt every single thing that we go through, and he knows exactly how to help us because of that. I know that he died for us, and most importantly I know that he lives today! Because he lives he will never leave us alone.
This week on finding was great! We found some prepared people for sure. We just need to see who will progress and who won't. This has become so normal to me now. We also taught quite a few lessons which was great! We are teaching a lot.
I am glad that Nate is still going on a mission. That made me so happy. Let him know that I love him, and that the mission will be the best thing for his life. Is Bryson going to come home from his mission later now? Or will he just have a shorter mission? I was so surprised last week to see him at our house. That was shocking. Please keep me updated on mission calls if anyone decides to go on a mission.
I love you so much!!!!! Thank you for your love and support!
Elder Stewart

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