Monday, October 28, 2013

Transfers! A New City and Companion!

Hi Mom,

Well, transfers are tomorrow, so I hope you haven't sent the package yet, because I am getting transferred. I will be going up to Sherman, Texas, and my new companion will be Elder Duce. I actually don't know anything about him yet. I now know how hard it is to have to leave an area, and to make it even worse, I was very sick yesterday, so I didn't have the opportunity to say goodbye to anyone. So much for pictures. I will send some of my district and stuff like that next week.

This week has been very eventful. On my birthday, we went on exchanges, so no I didn't really do anything really special. Exchanges are great though. Actually that night after the exchanges, my companion and I went over to Mary's house, and like always, she made us food. Which was great! I am going to miss her a lot! We should be going over to her house tonight though, and I will send pictures of her and her family. Then on Friday, we were out tracting at a trailer park. We came to one house with a dog sitting under a tree about 10 feet from the door. Me, being as fearless as I am, didn't really care about the dog and decided to go knock on the door anyways. I walked slowly passed the dog staring it down, until I got close to the door. The dog didn't even flinch. When I had gotten to the door, I slowly turned around to knock, when the dog ran up behind me and bit me hard on the leg. I turned back around to kick it, and the dog ran away. This dog was a genius. It didn't come after me until the moment I turned around, and when I turned back around to face it again, it ran back away. Then to make the story even better, after he bit me, I limped away back to the street as the man of the house comes out. I then go through the whole door approach as if nothing happened, and the man had no idea. My companion just sat there laughing as I was trying to get us into this man's house. The Man said he couldn't at that time, so he closed the door and we walked away. The moment he shut the door, my companion burst out laughing again. He thought it was the funniest thing ever. It really wasn't too bad for me, just a little painful. And now I have a pretty good battle scar, which again I will send you a picture of next week.

Saturday we had transfer calls which was very stressful, because I really don't want to leave this area, but I am excited for something new. We will see what happens.

Then I woke up Sunday morning and felt so sick. So, we stayed home all day sleeping, watching church movies, and my companion cleaned the whole apartment. It was terrible. Being sick isn't fun, but especially when there is missionary work to be done. I am luckily feeling better now though.

I will send you my new address, once I found out what it is. I love y'all very much, and I hope that you continue having a good time.

Love Kyle

Hey Dad!
Well first of all, I am getting transferred tomorrow to Sherman, Texas. I don't really know much about it other than it is North of Dallas. I am excited, but also very sad to be leaving my area. I now know what everyone was talking about when they say it is so hard to leave an area, but I am still excited for something new.

1. For my birthday, we actually went on exchanges, and we also went over to Mary's that night, which she always cooks us food. I love Mary, and she will probably be the person that it is hardest for me to say goodbye too.

2. My branch is doing so good. I love all of them as well, and unfortunately, I don't get to say goodbye to any of them.

3. We haven't done much to try and receive referrals from them.

4. The other Elders in our district, are so much fun to be around, and I loved the 3 months I had to get to know them.
5. What does meet as a Zion mean?

6. Sister Durrant is very nice.

7. This week, you can continue to pray for Jesus Hernandez if you want. He is so solid, and I hope will be baptized this next transfer!

8. It is getting a little colder here, but it is still up in the 70s. It is so nice! I love the weather right now. I have also heard that it will be like this until December.

9. Going to Sherman.

I am very excited for this next transfer. I have learned so much this last transfer, and my Spanish has improved so much. I can now understand most of what is said, and say just about anything I want to. Really now, I just need to work on expanding my vocabulary. I feel so blessed to be able to learn Spanish.

Thanks again for the BYU updates, and for all the spiritual thoughts. I love your thoughts of the week. Thanks for all your love and support!


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