Monday, February 3, 2014

A Tough Week!

More pictures are on the way! January did go by very fast, and I hope it will only get faster from here. We have had a very tough week. We taught some good lessons, but it seemed as though every good lesson we taught came with much adversity. It is so hard to have trials that I can't fix or really do anything about. I love my investigators, and when they are struggling, or making bad decisions, I feel terrible. On top of that, we have had so many people not being home for appointments, canceling, or dropping us. When we thought this week was finally over and done with, last night we called one of our investigators that we have an appointment with tonight and he dropped us as well, so I am really hoping that things start picking back up. It really just goes to show you that as a missionary when you start to have success, trials always come to test your faith, and strengthen your testimony. I believe some great miracles are coming from it though. Hopefully things will start getting better.
The weather has been very up and down. It was very cold to start the week, then we weren't wearing jackets in the middle of the week, then we were stuck inside AGAIN last night because of ice. So, to answer your question on how is the weather, I don't really know, because by the time I adjust to it the weather changes. I love the warm days though, those are great!
Ryan will be a great tutor for you, much better than I ever was. He is a genius, so your money is going to good use. I am personally still doing good. I would love my direct line of authority though maybe laminated, that would be very useful. I am doing good. I love you tons too!!
Love Kyle
P.S. Tell Brook that I miss her and I love her more.

Hi Dad,

This week was a tough one, but for miracles to happen, there must be a trial of your faith, so I believe some miracles are on there way!
1. Are there members in your ward that helping you with missionary work?
The members are great about feeding us, and coming out with us to lessons, but not so much on the referrals. We are working on it though.
2. Have you had any more Ice storms go through?
Yesterday. Again. More Doritos and Jesus the Christ
3. How are the missionaries in your District (any headaches)
Not really, maybe a small one, but they are a good small district.
4. How did you investigators do this week.  (Did they find their answers, come to church)?
They had some trials this week. Igor the African has been coming to church since we met him, and he is the closest to baptism. I am excited about him.
5. How far do you have to go for Zone Conferences? 
40-60 miles
6. What is President and Sister Durrant like?
Very loving people who are also very strict about obedience. President Durrant reminds me of Elder Holland.
7. Do you still do service at the food place every week? what service do you do now?
We still do the same service at the food place.
8. Do you have or will you be getting an IPAD?
I am not sure. We don't have one, and I don't think we will be getting one soon.
9. What experiences did you have this week?
We are teaching an 18 year old named Shannon. He has been coming to church for over a year now, and really likes the environment. He however, tells everyone that he doesn't believe in God, so we have been working with him help him develop a testimony, which we are sure he already has. We asked him to describe his thoughts about why he doesn't believe God, and he told us that pretty much there is no purpose to life. I learned two things from this: 1) I have really come to love my investigators. Every time that Shannon says that he doesn't believe in God, it hurts. It takes my breath away and I never know what to say next. He is a good kid, and I really want what is best for him, but there is some kind of problem that is holding him back. 2) I am so grateful for the plan of salvation. For my knowledge that gives me a purpose in this life, and something to live for. I know that there is a God that loves me, that I will see Uncle Clay again, and that I will be happy after this life. I don't know how someone would disbelieve that plan, because it is so beautiful. I love this gospel!
10. How is your testimony different then it was when you left?
I know I have said it many times, but my testimony and relationship with Christ are so much stronger now. I love the Atonement, and my desire to share it grows every day of my mission. I love my mission!
Thanks for writing me every week. You have taught me a lot, and continue to teach me every day. I love you!

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