Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Staying in Sherman!

Hi Mom
I am staying in Sherman! I am so happy that I am still here, and I am excited for another great transfer here! I did lose Elder Duce, and my new companion is Elder Lynn. His is from Arizona, and has been out for 4 months, which means that I will be driving the 2014 Corolla! On top of all that, I have been called as District Leader for the next transfer. We have a bilingual district, so the meetings won't be in Spanish, but I am very excited to learn and grow with this opportunity to serve. It will take me some time to get used to all of the responsibilities that I now have, but I will keep on going, and working hard. It will be great!
This week was another good one. All of our investigators are progressing, but very slowly. We will hopefully have a baptism this transfer. It has been fun to learn and grow being as all my companions have been out less than a year. We did find some new investigators, so we will see if they are interested or not.
I loved reading the stories of Ryan, and I have a feeling that I will be the same way when I go back home. It will be a weird adjustment going back home after two years as a missionary. I have loved it! Also, I am glad y'all are done with weddings for awhile. I hope you will have a couple of weeks to rest and get back to normal. I love y'all!!!!
Love, Kyle
Hi Dad,
I have had another good week this week. I am growing and progressing so much as a person, and disciple of Christ. I have learned a lot! I really like your ward Theme this year. The gospel really is very simple, and to endure to the end, all you have to do is improve little by little day after day. I was asked this passed week, what is the message that everyone needs to hear, and my response was, Go to Church!! There are so many people that start to fall away, and it is so sad to me. I refer all the time to that talk by Elder Holland. He says, "Why is missionary work so hard? I think it is because salvation is not a cheap experience!" So, for us to become what God wants us to become, we must remember to improve day by day. To help others, we should ask the question, "Who didn't come to church" then make plans on how to get them back.
1. Did you get transferred?
No! I am staying in  Sherman! I was also called as the District Leader here.

2. Did you get to keep your same companion?
No, I am now companions with Elder Lynn from Arizona. I am excited to work with him!

3. Are you baptismal commitments still progressing?
Yes, but slowly.

4. Do you get to exercise each day and what do you do for it?
Yes, I lift some weights, do push-ups and sit-ups.

5. Does your bike still work, or is it all rusted from being in the snow?
It still looks great.

6. Do you cook very much and what is your favorite thing to eat?
Not really, my favorite food is pupusus from El Salvador. So good!

7. Have you had to speak in Church lately?
No, I have just shared my testimony.

8. Do you go on splits with the Zone leaders very often?
No, but I probably will be this transfer, since I am the District Leader.

9.  What has the savior taught you this week?
That no matter what you have done, you can still turn your life around, and be an instrument in the Lord's hands. The brother of Jared for four years was idle on the coast. He wasn't praying or looking for guidance on what to do next. The lord chastises him for it, and even though the brother of Jared had been sinning for four years, he still had the faith to see the face of Christ. He was still an instrument in the Lord's hand.
10. What experience have you had this week that has brought you closer to him?
This week, I went on exchanges with Elder Aokuso from Australia. He is a big Samoan, and a good missionary, but that has nothing to do with it. We were teaching a lesson with our investigator Rosa, and Elder Aokuso doesn't speak Spanish. So I was on my own. I taught the lesson, and really didn't know where it was going to go beforehand. I just knew that I was going to follow-up on our commitment on Alma 40. I had studied it a lot that morning, and I was excited for this lesson. Rosa had a Brother die, and her Father-in-law die this year, so it was a hard one for her. I taught one of the best lessons I have taught, because I focused on her needs, and I was prepared. I know that God loves his Children, and that we will see our loved ones again some day.
I am very excited for this next transfer! It will be great!
I love you!!

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