Monday, January 6, 2014

A Good Start to a New Year!!

We had another great week, teaching another 20 lessons. On top of that Luis Gandara is really starting to progress. He came to church again yesterday, and we met with him three times this past week. He is reading from the Book of Mormon, and praying daily to know if it is true. He still has a couple of big obstacles that he has to overcome, but he seems very willing, and we are very excited for him. Last Wednesday we also set a baptismal date with him! It was a great lesson, and I was a little surprised that he accepted it. The last time that we invited him to be baptized, he told us he didn't see why he needed to be baptized again. It really just goes to show that the spirit is the teacher, not us.

We do have an English investigator that is progressing as well. His name is Tyler Reeves, and he is 17. The way we found him was very interesting. A few weeks back, we got a call from one of the seminary teachers saying that they had invited someone to come to Seminary and Young Mens. So, we went over that night, and taught him the first lesson. We found out that he had found a Book of Mormon as a small kid at a hotel (I am guessing it was probably a Marriott.) He had kept it for many years, and started reading it a year or so ago. He also then started following one of the Young Women in the ward on Instagram. She began posting stuff about the Book of Mormon, and he commented on it saying that the Book was so true, and things like that. After this, the young woman invited him to Seminary that Wednesday, he said he would come, and he actually did! He may have a few obstacles to overcome, but he came to Church yesterday, and is progressing. We will see what will happen.

For New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, we continued doing what we always do. On New Year's Eve, we ate dinner with the Todd family, and then we spent the rest of the night visiting some people with them. It was a great way to spend it. We also counted down to 6:19 that day as if it was midnight. New Year's Day, we ate dinner with a family that actually celebrates New Years Day. We ate cabbage and black eyed peas, because it is lucky or something. That was also a lot of fun!

I am glad that everyone enjoyed the break! The holidays have been fun for me, but I am glad that everyone will be returning home, and won't be so busy. Christmas was a little hard because people were going other places or busy getting ready. It will be nice to have everyone back. 

I can't believe Ryan is coming home. That was a fast two years! I feel like I still have forever as well, but when I look back on the last six months, it actually went by fast. So, I will keep on pushing. This transfer is going by so fast, we only have two more weeks left. I really hope that I stay in this area!

I love you so much!

Hi Dad!

I am doing so good! Even better than Christmas. The work is really picking up, and we are beginning to have the ward help more and more. I love it! Thanks for the spiritual thought, I really needed it. At times I forget about only serving others, and think to much of myself, so that is one of my main goals for the new year.


1. How is the work going now that you have the entire ward.

The work is going great. I love serving in Sherman, and the ward is really trying hard to help us. We are seeing them help more and more, and it is so great to have more than 10 members.

2. How many investigators do you have.

We have about 16 investigators. And we are always striving to find more.

3. Are they progressing and coming to church.

We had two investigators come to church, and a couple more that are starting to progress a little.

4. Do you have any dates set with any of them

We have to dates for the two that came to Church. Luis Gandara and Tyler Reeves

5. Did you get some letters from people back home on Christmas? (by the way you should probably write Brook a letter, she wrote one and asks each week if you are going to write her back)

I did receive a lot of letters from the ward and from the family. It was great to have that support.

6. Has there been any more storms

No, mostly sunshine and cold. And more cold.

7. How is it different working with Spanish vs. English.

English is going well, because we have a lot to work with. We have a whole ward, and a lot more less active/recent converts. The Spanish side, we have quite a few members, but almost all of them work on Sundays and can't come to Church. We are trying hard to keep our work even, so when we knock doors, we try to find Hispanics, and we get most of our English work from the ward.

8. How many baptisms does the mission average each month

I am not actually sure, so I will get back to you on that one.

9. Are you happy

I am Sooooo Happy!!!

10. What experiences helped you grow closer to Christ and his gospel this week.

The best experience that I had this last week was when we were teaching Luis Gandara. We taught a good lesson, and when we had finished, we invited him to be baptized. We had invited him to be baptized the first time we went by, over a month ago, and he didn't understand why he needed to be baptized again. We invited him again, and without any real objection he said yes. It strengthened my testimony on the converting power of the Holy Ghost. He is the teacher. I know now that the message we share is true, and that when we have the spirit with us when we teach, our investigators can feel it as well.

I am doing so good, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world. It is kind of weird to think that I will be spending all of 2014 in Texas, but I know it is where I need to be. Not only for me, but for the other people in Texas. I love this work, and it is such a great time to be a  missionary!

I love you Dad! Thank you for your love and support. Good luck with the next couple of months, I hope you can handle it all!



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