Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another Good Week!

This week has been another good one, we didn't teach as many lessons, but we saw some miracles happen for sure! I love this area, this ward, and my investigators. I don't want to leave.
Transfer calls are this Saturday night. I think and hope that I will stay here in Sherman for two more transfers. It has been great! The investigators that we have are doing great. They have been progressing slowly, but surely. I love serving them and helping them. My investigators probably get tired of it, but every time when we leave I always ask if there is anything we can do for them. We did find some new investigators this week, and they are doing great! We found them in great ways as well.
On Wednesday we were at the church to teach one of the youth and help out, when I saw a woman out in the parking lot smoking. My companion said, what is she doing smoking in the parking lot? I said that I didn't know, but I am going to go contact her. I contacted her and set an appointment with her. We then found out that her husbands grandson was a member, that her son was in scouts, and that she was already going to all of the socials and relief society activities. She had never been to church however, and she had never been taught by the missionaries. We taught a great lesson with them, and invited them to church. She made it clear during the lesson that she wasn't interested in joining the church, but that she would let her son be baptized, so we thought she wasn't very interested at all. When we went to Church yesterday, she was there and so was her son. Miracle!! The spirit is working with her, and it helps that she lives with a member! I definitely think she is more interested than she tells us.
Let me know how Ryan is doing, and about his homecoming talk. I am excited to hear about it.
Thanks for your love and support. I had an interview with President Durrant this week, and he wanted let you know how grateful he is for you. He said it is great to have missionaries who are prepared to serve. Thank you! I love you!
Hi Dad!
It was a little bit of a slower week, but we are still finding some great people who are showing some potential. It has been an interesting week, and we had three investigators come to church. All three of them are new investigators that we found  this week. Unfortunately Luis and Tyler didn't come, but they are still progressing great! I am still loving this area, and I don't want to leave!
Answers for the week.
1. Did you remember that it is Haley's B-day tomorrow.
I am not going to lie, I completely spaced. I guess I am too focused on the missionary work.
2. When are you investigators set for baptism
Tyler Reeves and Luis Gandara are both set for the 15 of February.
3.  How is the weather, is it getting any warmer.
It was really windy and cold at the beginning of this week, but it has begun to warm up a little since then. This week we will be in the 50s.
4. Have you had any General Authorities come to your mission.
Not since Andersen, but there is a member of the First office of the seventy coming. Stanley G Ellis in February.
5. When are your next transfers
Next week. This is the last week of this transfer, and this transfer went by so fast! It has been an enjoyable one for sure.
6. How many discussions were you able to teach this week
Only 14, but we are planning on finishing off the transfer strong.
7. Do you ever have zone conferences
We have a meeting every month. There are three different meetings which cycle each month, zone conference, specialized training, and interviews.
8. Do you ever spend time with other members of your zone
No, because they all live to far away, and we don't have the mile to drive anywhere.
9. What funny experiences have you had lately
Last night we were teaching a lesson with a family that we found this week. We brought with us a member which we love to use. His name is Elmer. He is over 70 years old, and has had a really hard life, going through a divorce, having depression for five years, and losing everything he had. He has found refuge in the gospel though. The funny things is he doesn't have any problems with speaking his mind. The family we were teaching was an old lady who is a member, the wife of her grandson and her son. The youngest was 8 years old, and has long hair. He has such long hair, that he honestly looks like a girl. When we were in the lesson, Elmer began talking to him as if he was a girl, and we all cracked up. After a while of us talking Elmer than turns to the boy and says, "So your a boy huh?" Again we all started laughing. Elmer goes on to say that the old lady can't remember because of old age, and that their dog was a boy, but it was really a girl. Finally after we got the lesson going, we asked a question to Bethany, who is the older ladies grandsons wife, do you have time to read the Book of Mormon? She answers, "No I have butt tick." (referring to her son) We were all trying to figure out what Butt Tick meant when her son, Dominic, comes into the room and says, "That would be me!" Again we all burst up laughing for awhile. We will just say that this lesson was the funniest lesson ever.
10. what experiences brought you closer to Christ this week.
We tracted into a man named Egor on Saturday. Egor is from Gabon Africa, and is here studying business. He let us in, and we shared only about a three minute overview of what our lesson is, and then Egor had to leave. We were able to invite him to church though yesterday, but we thought there was no way he was going to come, since we didn't really teach him much or give him a reason to come. He came to church yesterday, and as we were talking with him, he told us that he wasn't at all planning on coming, but he woke up that morning and had a feeling that he should go. So he came! I don't know how it is going to work out with him, but I do know that God loves all his children. He told Egor, through the Holy Ghost, to come to church yesterday, and Egor followed. It was an incredible experience for me, and I know that God is preparing people to come unto Christ. I love being a missionary!
I hope I stay here another transfer. This area has been Amazing, and I don't want it to stop now. I love you Dad, and thanks for all your help.
Elder Stewart

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