Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Hi Mom,

This week was alright as far as the work goes, but it was fun. We had the transfer meeting on Tuesday and in that meeting we had a mission Christmas concert. Many people played different instruments and sang. It was fun. Unfortunately I didn't get my package at that meeting. I don't know why, but I am guessing that they probably didn't have it before Tuesday. Hopefully we can get it before Christmas, but if not that is fine by me.

On Friday we had our ward Christmas party, and the Hispanic culture can be really frustrating at times. The party was supposed to start at 6:00, so we went a little early to help set up. We got there about 15 minutes before it started, and when we walked in, there wasn't anything set up. So we started putting tables down, and people didn't really start coming until 6:45 or so. We didn't actually start eating until 7:30, and the program that they had planned didn't start until 9:00, so it was a little frustrating, but there was a really good turn out and it was a lot of fun.

The next morning we had the present donation which went well. Only about half of the people that were receiving gifts came, so that wasn't good, but for the people that did come, it was a good opportunity for them to feel the spirit and become familiar with the church building.

As far as Christmas goes, I will be skyping around 1:30 or 2:00. We are going to be skyping at the Arevalo's house, and they have one of the new TVs that curves inward that allows us to Skype from there. So it will be like I am at home talking to y'all face to face. I am excited for that. I will probably give you a call to find your Skype address on Christmas.

Andrew is still doing really well, and I don't have much to report on them. We are trying to get him to the temple as soon as he can to do baptisms for the dead. He is progressing so well!
The Moreno family is planning on getting married at the end of the year, and then Maricruz will be baptized shortly after that. I am excited for them as well!

I don't really have anything else to write about. I am really excited to talk to y'all on Thursday. I only have a little more of my mission, and it is probably going to go by so fast. Thank y'all so much for what you are doing for me. I love you!

Love, Kyle

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