Monday, October 20, 2014

Happy Birthday!!

Hi Mom! How are you?

I am doing great! And I am excited for the package that I will be getting. Birthdays here in the mission are really weird, but at least I will still know my family is thinking about me. I love you!

Sorry, but I don't have a lot of time to write today. Not a lot happened this week. Our investigators are doing the same, and this week was just a normal week. We did have Stake Conference yesterday though. Stake Conference was good. We did find a new investigator this week named Apolinar Mena. He was taught in the past by missionaries, and he has already read all of the book of Mormon. He doesn't remember any of it, but he told us he believes it is true. He is 65 years old or so, and hopefully he will progress really well. He already has a baptismal date. Now we just need to get him to church.

I love seeing pictures of the family. Chase is taller than you and Haley now isn't he? How tall is he? I don't recognize his voice, and when I get home, I won't recognize anything about him. Thank you for all of your love and support! Have a great week!

Love, Kyle

Hola Querido Padre,
Te quiero muchisimo! Eres lo mejor Padre del mundo.

Hi Dad, We have had some good progress over the past couple of weeks. We are teaching a lot, and we have a lot of great potential investigators.

Over the last little while, we have been teaching this Man named Andrew. He is married to a member in the Spanish ward who recently started coming back to church. Andrew doesn't speak Spanish, but he still wants to come to this ward for his wife and kids. So, we are teaching him. He is the most diligent sincere investigator I have ever had. He is a very logical person, so he has a hard time believing in God, but he has such a strong desire to know that there is one. He has told us several times, I hope there is a God. Andrew is reading the book of Mormon daily, Praying daily, attending church weekly, and obeying all the commandments. He drank coffee every morning, but has stopped drinking since then. He told us as well about one night when he was making some coffee for his Mom, and he said that it smelled so good and he wanted to drink some. However at that moment a thought came into his head which is actually quite funny. He pictured God or Christ, I am not sure which, sitting at the counter with one eyebrow up, giving him a look like, "Really? You are going to drink that?" So he didn't drink it. He is doing everything he needs to do to find the answer, now we just have to wait for him to recognize his answer.

1. How was General Conference and what impacted you?

I loved it! I learned a lot, and I loved being able to hear those two Spanish speakers speak in their own language. That was fun.

2. How is the work going

Really well. It is still progressing slowly.

3. How are your investigators progressing.

I already told you about Andrew. He is doing fantastic! The rest of them are progressing slowly.

4. Who should we be praying for

Andrew, Maria, Marta, Apolinar

5. How is your companion and district - do you have fun

We have a lot of fun in our district. My companion is good as well.

6. Have you had many interviews with President Taylor - what is he like

I have had only one interview with him. He is incredible! He is probably the most spiritual man I have ever met. Every time I see him, I am so much happier. I can feel the love that he has for everyone, and he follows the spirit very well. He is very personal with his missionaries as well. He comes up to us and talks to us whenever he can. I love him a lot!

7. What did you think of the "meet the mormons" movie - did many people out there see it

I thought it was a really good movie. It really helps people know about what we believe and how family centered we are. I don't know if lots of people have seen it or not.

8. How is the Spanish - do you think and dream in Spanish now

I can think in Spanish when I want, but I can't ever remember my dreams, so I don't know if they were in Spanish or not. I hope so.

10.Do you know that your parents love you and are so proud of your service

Thank you for all the updates on everything! You are so great! I love being able to serve the Lord, and I realize what a privilege it is. I saw a picture of Chase by the way, and every time I see him, it gets harder and harder for me to recognize him. He is taller than Mom and Haley now isn't he. That is crazy! Have a great week!

Con mucho amor, Elder Stewart

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