Monday, November 11, 2013

Missionary Work is Never Easy!

Hi Mom,
This week was a trying week. We have had more dropped lessons than I have ever had any other week. I am enjoying myself still. My companion is still great. He is very quiet with investigators, but not with me, so we have a great time. I do still love this area, but it is a little difficult not to be discouraged at times.

I had quite the experience this past week. We had been working hard this last week, and scheduled 11 appointments this Saturday. So, when Saturday came, we started the day very excited for the number of lessons we might be able to teach. As the day went on, each lesson dropped one by one, and by the end of the day, we had taught 0 out of 11 lessons. Wow, talk about discouraging. It was by far the longest day of my mission so far, and I almost cried at the end of the day. The next day I didn't feel much better, until I listened to a talk by Elder Holland, about why missionary work isn't easy. Here are a few lines of his talk... "Missionary work is never easy, because the salvation of souls is not a cheap experience." "When you feel discouraged remember that someone much greater and much better asked if there was an easier way, and for him there wasn't. So maybe there won't be an entirely easy way for you either." "At times the Atonement carry you more than it will carry your investigators." And my favorite. "When you are rejected or spit upon or mocked you can hold your head up high, because you are a representative of Jesus Christ." We at times have to feel what he has gone through for us to call ourselves his representatives. When ever we feel discouraged we can remember that we can be walking examples of the Atonement to other people, IF we use it to carry us through are hard times and live worthily of it. When ever I feel like stopping or quitting, I remember the name of Him, over my heart, and that gives me enough of a desire to keep going, keep pushing, in order to finish what I started out to do.

Yes! Haley is going to Preference. That will be fun for her, and she will have a great time! Good luck with your tests and the rest of the school year!

I don't really need anything right now. I am just trying to become the missionary I can be day by day. I did receive the package, and I loved it. Thanks again for all your love and support. I love you!

Hey Dad!

The transfer was really good, and my first week in Sherman was great! The last week however was testing, but I learned so much from it. Tell Chase that he only has a year if he wants to get his Eagle faster than I did. I hope he can do it. Thanks for the BYU updates. I look forward to them each week.

Questions: (From Ron)

1. How is Roberto, is he progressing?

2. How is the new ward?

3. Do you have a car, and have you even been on your bike?

4. How many investigators do you have?

5. Do you get to play ball in the new area?

6. What food have learned to cook that you like?

7. How is the Spanish coming - do you feel comfortable with it?

8. How is your companion - do you guys get along?

9. What experience happened to you this week?

10. How does the Spanish group in a ward work - Do you translate sacrament meeting, or do you have your own meetings?


1. Roberto was progressing before he started taking the missionary lessons. He is very ready for baptism, and I am very excited for that day.

2. The new ward is great. A little different, because we now eat dinner every night with English speaking families, and eat American food, but I am really enjoying the members here.

3. We do have a car since our area is so big, and I have used my bike twice in my other area.

4. We have 12 investigators, but Roberto is the only solid one.

5. No, unfortunately. There only sisters here. Everyone else in our district is at least 40 min. away.

6. I have learned how to make Papusas, which are really good, but I haven't tried to make them myself.

7. I feel very comfortable teaching, and comfortable talking to just about anyone. Now I just need to work on understanding better, and expanding my vocabulary.

8. My companion is very quiet, but we get along great.

9. I had quite the experience this past week. We had been working hard this last week, and scheduled 11 appointments this Saturday. So, when Saturday came, we started the day very excited for the number of lessons we might be able to teach. As the day went on, each lesson dropped one by one, and by the end of the day, we had taught 0 out of 11 lessons. Wow, talk about discouraging. It was by far the longest day of my mission so far, and I almost cried at the end of the day.

10. We have our own meetings, which are very small. It is like a Sunday school class for sacrament meeting, and at times we don't have Priesthood, because there aren't enough men there.

I love you Dad!



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