Monday, August 12, 2013

First week in Texas!

Hi Mom and Family,

I had my first two baptisms on Saturday!... Ok, so maybe I had never met them before. And maybe I had never taught them. And I guess I was on exchanges anyways, so it probably doesn't count. My first week has been crazy. I got here monday at 12:00 where we went from the airport to the temple then to a church close by. My mission President is incredible. He is very tall, and a very nice kind loving man. I enjoyed my short time with him. The first day, we had orientation and stuff the whole day. It was so long, because we were all running on 3 hours of sleep, but I made it through. The next day, we then met our companions and left to our areas. My companion's name is Elder Pearson, and he is actually from Cedar Hills Utah.  He has helped me a lot.

My first night in the field, my companion, and the English Elders in the area decided to make a fake investigator for me to teach. One of the English elders wore casual clothes with and earing, sunglasses, and a hat. He didn't look anything like a missionary at all. My companion set it up where we were going to teach him and even changed the contact in the phone. So we got to the park where we were going to teach him, and we taught an incredible lesson. The spirit was so strong. Afterwards the elders shook my hand and had his name tag in his hand. They fooled me. I had no idea. Afterwards, one of the elders said, "we gave you a lot of the hard questions that other people would give us, and you nailed them. We thought we could explain the answers to you, but you don't need that." It was a great role play, that I though was real.

This week, has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. I can't understand what other people are saying, and can't say what I want. It is so hard, and I have been getting a little homesick. I thought that I was going to have a great time right when I got here, but I am struggling a bit. I have prayed harder, and more often this week, than I have ever prayed before. So, it can only get better from here. I just need to speak more, even if I don't know how to say what I want to. Only after this will I begin to learn spanish. I know how ever that God gives us weaknesses so that we may be humble. But if we have faith in the Lord, which I do, then we will make our weak things strong. So I will be ok. I just have to push through it, and focus on the people.

I hope everyone is ready for school. Chase, you are going to love Junior High. And like I said before, the key for having fun for Haley Chase and Brooklynn, is making lots of good friends.

Thank you for your love and support, and all of your prayers. I loved the Trek pictures. They were great. I was also wondering if you could send me a picture of our family. I will send pictures next week also by the way.

Love you and miss you a lot.

Elder Stewart

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